Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Impressive, Young Padawan

Young people never cease to amaze me.  It's one of the reasons why I choose to teach.  Seeing people actualize the infinite potential within themselves affirms my faith in humanity, and keeps me connected to my own humanity.  When I look for the goodness in things, I often find it - not necessarily by being all "sunshine and rainbows", but by empathizing with those whom I observe.

Today, I found inspiration in the form of a 5-year-old wushu stylist named Abigail Chu.  She is a martial artist of superior caliber - you can see it in her focus, balance, and expression!

Check it out:

I'm convinced that by the time she's 7, her skills will surpass mine.

Oh wait...those vids are from May 2006.  She's already 8.  Doh!

And her skills have grown...check out these vids from 2007 - only ONE year later:

I want to be like her when I grow up.

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